(LoanSafe.org) - If your a home owner who ix at risk of foreclosure, these events exist to assist your needs to assist you and other home owners. These events are recommended for home owners who are already in the foreclosure process, but home owners who are behind or almost behind on their payments are more than welcome to get assistance to prevent going into foreclosure. No pre-registration is required for this specific event. The workshop will include a 45-minute presentation summarizing the foreclosure process. You will also have an opportunity to meet one-on-one with a foreclosure prevention counselor.
Attendees should bring:
any communication received from your lender or loan servicer proof of income (e.g. recent pay stub)a copy of your mortgage statement.Date of Event: April 7
Time of Event: 1pm
Location of Event: Cottage Grove
Park Grove Library Minnesota
You don’t need to wait for the workshops to act. For more information or to speak with a foreclosure prevention counselor NOW, please call the Washington County HRA’s foreclosure intake line at 651-458-0936 ext. 542 or see www.wchra.com.
For more information about the Washington County Library, see www.co.washington.mn.us/info_for_residents/library/ or call 651-275-8500.
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